Tuesday, December 26, 2006
In the New Year - The Mind/Body/Life Transformation Challenge!
As we approach the new year, we also approach a time rife with memories of promise... and of broken promises. How many times have you heard the well-worn tale of new year's resolutions lying broken and battered on the road to February? And how many times have you participated in that yearly ritual yourself? It all just seems to confirm that things can't ever really seem to change for very long...

Well, this year, why not put aside the resolutions and just change your whole life instead?

Does that sound crazy to you? Outside of your experience? Never heard of anything like it?

Good, because there's a first time for everything, you know...

This year, all during January, this blog and my podcast are going to be about a step-by-step process for beginning a life-changing transformation using powerful technologies like hypnosis and NLP in a proven method to allow anyone, especially you, to make tremendous, positive changes that last.

How would you like to find yourself next New Year's Eve looking back at this year as a tremendous breakthrough year in allowing you to do and be so many things that you've always wanted to do and be?

It's all here, it's free and it's my gift to you.

Keep watching this space...

Be Well,

Michael Perez

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posted by Michael Perez at Tuesday, December 26, 2006 | Permalink |