Momentum continues to build towards release with a holiday themed podcast episode and a brand-new podcast player on the sidebar of this here blog!
Now you can listen to new episodes here if your MP3 player isn't handy or preview the podcast before you decide to use up that valuable space on your iPod with the digital reproduction of my dulcet tones... ;-)There's some other really exciting stuff going on! Those of you who attended my online Mind-Body Connection seminar remember just what an incredible and successful event that was for everyone who attended. Well, I'm pleased to announce that I'll be doing a live version of that event as three full days over a weekend in February in both Scotland and England!
There's a tonne of new material going into this one including much of my new work, based on correlations between many of the latest findings in experimental neuropsychology and NLP. This stuff is so powerful it can send your effectiveness with both yourself and others through the roof and allow you to make amazing changes in both mindsets as well as in physical health and energy! Yikes, I sound like a Tony Robbins ad... And with all due respect to Tony, the best thing about this is that it's not something that wears off two weeks after the fire walk!
Anyway, watch this space for more details!
Be Well,
Michael PerezLabels: Mind-Body Connection, Podcast