Tuesday, December 26, 2006
In the New Year - The Mind/Body/Life Transformation Challenge!
As we approach the new year, we also approach a time rife with memories of promise... and of broken promises. How many times have you heard the well-worn tale of new year's resolutions lying broken and battered on the road to February? And how many times have you participated in that yearly ritual yourself? It all just seems to confirm that things can't ever really seem to change for very long...Well, this year, why not put aside the resolutions and just change your whole life instead?
Does that sound crazy to you? Outside of your experience? Never heard of anything like it?Good, because there's a first time for everything, you know...This year, all during January, this blog and my podcast are going to be about a step-by-step process for beginning a life-changing transformation using powerful technologies like hypnosis and NLP in a proven method to allow anyone, especially you, to make tremendous, positive changes that last.How would you like to find yourself next New Year's Eve looking back at this year as a tremendous breakthrough year in allowing you to do and be so many things that you've always wanted to do and be?It's all here, it's free and it's my gift to you.
Keep watching this space...
Be Well,Michael Perez Labels: beginnings, goals, Hypnosis, life, New Year's Resolutions, Podcast, transformation
posted by Michael Perez at Tuesday, December 26, 2006

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New Podcast Episode and a New Podcast Player!
Momentum continues to build towards release with a holiday themed podcast episode and a brand-new podcast player on the sidebar of this here blog!
Now you can listen to new episodes here if your MP3 player isn't handy or preview the podcast before you decide to use up that valuable space on your iPod with the digital reproduction of my dulcet tones... ;-)There's some other really exciting stuff going on! Those of you who attended my online Mind-Body Connection seminar remember just what an incredible and successful event that was for everyone who attended. Well, I'm pleased to announce that I'll be doing a live version of that event as three full days over a weekend in February in both Scotland and England!
There's a tonne of new material going into this one including much of my new work, based on correlations between many of the latest findings in experimental neuropsychology and NLP. This stuff is so powerful it can send your effectiveness with both yourself and others through the roof and allow you to make amazing changes in both mindsets as well as in physical health and energy! Yikes, I sound like a Tony Robbins ad... And with all due respect to Tony, the best thing about this is that it's not something that wears off two weeks after the fire walk!
Anyway, watch this space for more details!
Be Well,
Michael PerezLabels: Mind-Body Connection, Podcast
posted by Michael Perez at Tuesday, December 26, 2006

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Monday, December 25, 2006
A Very Merry Christmas...
Well, the days and weeks and months go by and this blog begins to approach its official announcement, so that we can finally end this silly (but necessary) 'Beta' business. So, chances are most of you won't see this Christmas post until after the new year.
And, maybe that's okay. Maybe it might be better to think about thinking about peace on earth and goodwill towards men on a date other than December 25.
Christmas is littered with anchors, things that allow us to remember all the things that Christmas has come to mean and has ever been about for us. And of course, for many people, Christmas isn't about anything other than stress, expensive presents and/or overeating.
For others, Christmas is a continual struggle to chase after fondly remembered memories that never seemed to be ahead and always behind.
And for others, Christmas can be about so many other things that happened so many Christmases ago now.
And all of these things can certainly be valid, I think. And they can all be valid at the same time. And things can also mean what we decide that they mean for us and what we allow ourselves to believe that they mean.
Symbols and Meaning
You see, Christmas and all of its trappings are symbols.
It's just like the letter A is a symbol. The letter A means a specific sound because we've been taught that it means a specific sound when it's used in a specific way and we decided to adapt that teaching.
There's nothing intrinsic to the letter A that makes it mean anything. It's just our decision to see it that way and to think about it that way.
So imagine for a moment that somebody else was raised to think about the letter A as having an entirely different meaning or sound.
Perhaps to them it's the number six! Perhaps it's the symbol of their religion. Perhaps it's a drawing of a house or a tree, or a rocket ship.
Obviously, their experience of that symbol is very different from what yours might be. And all of our experiences of all of the symbols in our lives can become different when we begin to see them for what they are and think about them differently now.
Creating Symbols and Making Meaning
So, here's a thought experiment for you. Why not take one of the meanings of Christmas which is peace on earth and goodwill towards men and then think of some things in your daily life, some common everyday things, that could symbolize that concept for you. They can be something like a painting on your wall or even something as obtuse and seemingly unrelated as the gear shifter in your car.
Imagine that for a while now, you're going to allow yourself to just play around with the idea of making that thing mean peace on earth and goodwill towards men for you. Think about it every time you see that thing or touch it or interact with it in any way (those of you know some NLP will know how to make do some anchoring for yourself to help you in this).
After a while, you'll notice you don't even have to think about it, the association will just be there. And then you might even begin to forget about it or maybe you can still allow yourself to think about it that way every time...
Because I suspect if you can allow yourself to think about peace on earth and goodwill towards men a little bit every day, perhaps every day can have a little of the kind of spirit that the best Christmases can have and, just perhaps your future Christmases can all be just a little brighter now.
To all of my friends, no matter what your personal or cultural beliefs, faiths or convictions, I wish all of you peace on earth and goodwill towards men, in just the way that would be the most appropriate for you and your lives in every day and in all the days to come.
A Merry Christmas to All, and to All, Be Well.
Michael PerezLabels: anchoring, beliefs, Christmas, meaning, peace, symbols
posted by Michael Perez at Monday, December 25, 2006

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Sunday, December 17, 2006
Podcast episode 003 - What is Trance? Pt, 2
The third episode of my podcast and the second part of my explanations about what trance is should now be available at the usual locations (iTunes, Odeo, etc.) or you can just click on the title of this post which is the link to the feed for my podcast.
My podcast is generally intended to be enjoyable even for people who have little or no background in hypnosis or NLP. And, a the same time, those of you who are already familiar with these things can learn something from them on a slightly different level...
One of the things I like to do is teach things on many levels at the same time, and my podcasts are no exception. So, those of you who have a familiarity with non-authoritarian hypnosis or NLP might want to have a different listen to podcasts two and three, comparing and contrasting...
And no matter what level you're listening to it on, I hope you enjoy it!Be Well,
Michael Perez
Labels: Hypnosis, Neurology, Podcast, Trance
posted by Michael Perez at Sunday, December 17, 2006

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Sunday, December 10, 2006
Podcast episode 002 - What is Trance? Pt, 1
Hi Everyone,
The second episode of my podcast is up. It's an exploration of the concept of Trance and just what it might be, both as an experience and as a neurological phenomenon. My podcast is designed to be enjoyable whatever your skill level, so feel free to give it a listen!
Don't forget that you can subscribe via iTunes, Odeo, and via just about any RSS reader. We're at 2,400 subscribers thus far, without yet having advertised its availability... ;)And how about considering doing your old pal Michael a favour and writing up a review or leaving me some feedback? A review, good, bad or indifferent, will help others determine if my podcast might be worth a listen or not. And feedback can tell me how well (or poorly) I'm getting across what I mean to be communicating and will give you a voice in what you hear next!! And if you want, you can even Skype me and ask your question on my next podcast yourself!I'm waiting to hear from you!Be Well,Michael PerezLabels: Hypnosis, Neurology, Podcast, Trance
posted by Michael Perez at Sunday, December 10, 2006

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